Just before school started, in those dreamy days of summer holiday catch ups with friends and having no schedule, I got to spend some time with a gorgeous family and their new kitten, Cinder. She arrived in December, so there was plenty of time for her to settle into her new home with her humans and dog brother. Her girl owners are a bit smitten by their new family member. My daughter was equally so! It was hard to leave this little bundle behind! Pets are such a big part of your family. Make sure that you include them in your next home session.
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A couple of weeks back I set out on a personal project called A Week in the Life. It is inspired by a memory keeper called Ali Edwards. Ali explains A Week in the Life as "a seven-day documentary project that began in 2005 as an annual opportunity to capture the simple everyday details of life with photos and words. These albums are some of my most treasured in that they are wonderfully true representations of my family's life at a particular point in time. From the mundane to the profound, it's those simple little everyday moments that I treasure most." This project involves me photographing life for us as a family- where we spend our time, what makes us tick, what we do, what we see, where we live, where we go, who we see and who we are... It has highlighted the importance of photographing the everyday simple moments in our life. I have always loved the power of images to take me back in time. Life may appear to be the same, day in and out, but when I stand back and look back at this project over time, I notice things in my photos that I would otherwise forget. Things like how we read to our kids each night, where we eat, little quirks that belong to each of our children, how we have set up furniture in our home and the reasons why, how the kids run to greet my mum in the street when she visits and how they play the letterbox game every day. The games they play, how their bedrooms look, the ways that we fill our days. These are the elements of our everyday that I love. They are the elements of our everyday that will likely change in the next 12 months. They are the everyday moments that people rarely think to capture. They are also the moments which will be most missed when the children are grown. I love taking photos of people in the exciting moments of their lives and I love taking relaxed family portraits in outdoor locations. I still want to do this. Lots! But this project has lit a fire in my belly. I mentioned on my facebook page last week that I would love to shoot more lifestyle sessions. A lifestyle session involves me coming into a place that you love. A place that is special to your family. It is often your home but it can also be a cafe where you always have breakfast on a weekend or a beach where you feel most connected. Over an hour or two, I simply take photos as an observer of your life. Of your 'everyday'. Of the big and the small. At the end of the session, you are given a collection of unique photographs that feature you and your loved ones, doing life in your natural habitat. The focus is on documenting your life and space how it is now and on capturing the connection in your family. As I develop a portfolio of these sessions I will be offering a special introductory price of $350.
If you would like to discuss a session like this I'd love to chat with you! Alex has grown so much since I first met him as a tiny newborn. I love being able to watch little people grow up in front on my lens! Alex is full of character and spunk. We had a lovely afternoon playing at the park and rummaging in the bush with his best friend, Josie the dog and his parents. Can't get enough of those big blue eyes and dimples!
Little P is a long waited for little fighter! She lives with her beautiful parents and her four legged sister, Rosie, in the city and it's easy to see why she is so adored. Despite being ready for bed, she was happy to go with the flow, playing on the floor, kicking back with some milk and a snooze in daddy's arms during our session. It was so lovely photographing this family in their home, where everyone is relaxed and comfortable. I think that it is so precious to have photos taken in your home and to look back in the years ahead to see what has changed and what stays the same.
March 2022